Star Health – Star Health Mediclassic
Star Mediclassic is a health plan designed for individuals as well as for their families. The plan provides an all-round coverage covering non-allopathic treatments within its coverage scope too. Premiums are competitive and are priced according to the individual’s location
- Cover :₹ 5.0 Lakhs
- Bonus / NCB :5% of sum insured for every claim free year, max 25%
- Copay :No copayment
- Claims Settled :99.06%

Star Health – Star Health Mediclassic
Premium Amount
Star Mediclassic is a health plan designed for individuals as well as for their families. The plan provides an all-round coverage covering non-allopathic treatments within its coverage scope too. Premiums are competitive and are priced according to the individual’s location
- Cover :₹ 5.0 Lakhs
- Bonus / NCB :5% of sum insured for every claim free year, max 25%
- Copay :No copayment
- Claims Settled :99.06%
100% Cover restoration
Free Health Check-up
Daily cash allowance
Ambulance charges
No claim bonus
Post hospitalisation
Ayush treatments
Outpatient Expense
Organ donor expenses
New-born treatment
Domiciliary Hospitalisation
Recovery allowance
Sum Insured
E- Consultation
USP of This Plan
Star Mediclassic is a health plan designed for individuals as well as for their families. The plan provides an all-round coverage covering non-allopathic treatments within its coverage scope too. Premiums are competitive and are priced according to the individual’s location
- Cover :₹ 5.0 Lakhs
- Bonus / NCB :5% of sum insured for every claim free year, max 25%
- Copay :No copayment
- Claims Settled :99.06%
Our Take
- Cover :₹ 5.0 Lakhs
- Bonus / NCB :5% of sum insured for every claim free year, max 25%
- Copay :No copayment
- Claims Settled :99.06%
Policy Exclusions :
Any claim other than accidental claims inside 30 day waiting period
Claims settlement
- Cover :₹ 5.0 Lakhs
- Bonus / NCB :5% of sum insured for every claim free year, max 25%
- Copay :No copayment
- Claims Settled :99.06%
Specification: Star Health – Star Health Mediclassic
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